The ALGorithms and Optimization (ALGO) Lab is composed of reseachers from CISUC research centre at the University of Coimbra, that focus mainly on the development, implementation and evaluation of exact and heuristics methods for numerical and combinatorial optimization involving multiple objective functions and incomplete preference information provided by a Decision Maker.
New MSc student from Germany
Hannah Borgmann is a new MSc student from Technical University of Kaiserlautern-Landau
New ALGO visitor - Kathrin Klamroth
Kathrin Klamroth will be visiting our Lab until June.
New Associate Editor at ITOR
Luís Paquete is the new Associate Editor at International Transactions in Operational Research, Wiley.
Visiting Professor at Université Paris Dauphine
Luís Paquete is a Visiting Professor at Université Paris Dauphine